How Many Days in a Row CAN YOU Use Dry Shampoo?

How Many Days in a Row CAN YOU Use Dry Shampoo?

One of the most common questions we receive @ sift. is "How many days do you go between washes when using your dry shampoo? The answer to this question is different for everyone AND, it also depends on what kind of dry shampoo you use. Let's dive in ...

Aerosol vs. Powder

The battle that never ends, right? @ sift. we obviously prefer powder over aerosol. We ALL converted from our trusty aerosols long ago for our macro and micro health, our scalps and our hair in general. To learn more about the negative effects of aerosols, their sketchy ingredients and why powder is so much better for you, check out our complete guide to dry shampoo.

Now back to the bread and butter ...

How Many Days in a Row CAN YOU Use Dry Shampoo? 

This is a bit of a loaded question because it differs for EVERYONE. For instance, if you've never used a dry shampoo powder before, extending your style for 2 days may seem like a huge feat whereas someone who has used it for years may go 5-7+ days without washing! It really depends on your hair's thickness, texture, oiliness and where you're at in the process.

It is best to start small when first getting into dry shampoo. So, to help those that are just venturing in or are stuck on a 2 day cycle we've developed a timeline to help you extend your time between washes and get more from your hair!

Week 1: Alternate wash and dry shampoo days, applying the dry shampoo after styling and then again that night or the next morning, whichever your preference is. 

Tip: Applying dry shampoo directly after styling not only helps add volume and hold but it prevents too much oil from building up at your roots proactively working to maintain all your hard work!

Week 2-3: Wash one day, dry shampoo for two days. 

Congratulations! You're already saving yourself so much time and money on hair care products just by extending your style a few days. Not to mention the environmental impact. Way to go!

Week 4-6: Wash one day, dry shampoo for three days.

Week 7-9: Wash one day, dry shampoo for four days.

Tip: After using sift. volumizing dry shampoo for 3-4 days in a row the product has lightly coated your hair follicles sealing in all the nutrients from the product and what is naturally produced from our scalps leaving your hair feeling smoother and silkier than ever!

If you want to get more than 4 days out of your style keep extending the timing between washes every 2-3 weeks as you're comfortable while being diligent about applying the product at the roots after styling, at night or in the am., and whenever you feel a little too oily. Remember, the oiliness, thickness, and texture of your hair will affect how long it takes your hair to adjust to the prolonged timing between washes. Stay with it if you want results and GOOD LUCK!

The next questions we usually get is ...

How Long SHOULD YOU Go Between Washes? 

Again, kind of a loaded question because it is SO dependent on your hair and let's be grateful for a sec, there are so many different colors, textures and thicknesses out there! What we can tell you is that we would not recommend over 7 days, especially if you live an active lifestyle. This is due to buildup that will accrue on the scalp and the hair follicle weighing it down, making it harder to style. Stay tuned for our next blog post where we dive into this even further with a special guest correspondent.




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