How Many Days in a Row CAN YOU Use Dry Shampoo?

How Many Days in a Row CAN YOU Use Dry Shampoo?

Written by carly miller

One of the most common questions we receive @ sift. is "How many days do you go between washes when using your dry shampoo? The answer to this question is different for everyone AND, it also depends on what kind of dry shampoo you use. Let's dive in ...

All You Need to Know: The Complete Guide to Dry Shampoo

All You Need to Know: The Complete Guide to Dry Shampoo

Written by carly miller

We get a lot of questions about dry shampoo .. What is dry shampoo? Which type is the best? Why should I use powder vs. aerosol? When and How should I use it? Let’s take a deep dive into this amazing, time-saving product